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toxic wine full of pesticides

Since ancient times, agriculture has always used substances to protect crops
against herbs, fungi, and insects (e.g. sulfur about 4,500 years ago, arsenic, mercury and lead in the 15th century, DDT in the 40s, etc.). In the last decades, the agricultural industry developped a whole bunch of synthetic substances, each more toxic than the last. It is only now that advanced studies prove that these susbtances are destroying our planet and our health.

One of the main problems is the over-use of agrochemicals. Countries like France and Spain, consume 67 and 70 millions of tons of pesticides per year, respectively (FAOSTAT). This results in drastic environmental consequences (loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, soil, air and water pollution, etc.), human diseases (diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, Parkinson and autism) and more than 250.000 deaths/year (reported by the WHO | World Health Organization). Unfortunately, wine production is no exception to this disaster…

toxic wine full of pesticides
Use of pesticides in the field make the wine we drink: TOXIC

Awareness of what is in our food, where and how it is produced is the key to fix this disaster. Nowadays, it is possible to consume pesticide-free, local, and authentic food products and wines. These are made in collaboration with Nature and promote health for our families and children, and longevity and harmony for our Planet (in addition to enhanced and delicious flavours!).

For us, and for Agrotopia, promoting and consuming natural wines is a contribution to a better world, and we wish you contribute too!

We can make the world a better place, and it is in our hands to make a difference, because we have the power to finance who and what we want through our daily purchases!

Agrotopia Vision: Responsible governance, Recycling, Efficiency, Diversity, Resilience, Synergies, Circular and Solidarity Economy, Human and Social values, Co-creation and Sharing of knowledge, and Culture and food transitions are key principles for Agrotopia
Agroecology principles that can fix the current agricultural system

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