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To prevent severe climate change we need to rapidly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

Almost three-quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from energy use in the sectors of industry, transportation and buildings as main contributors (See graph below) ; even more than the agricultural and livestock sectors.

The energy we consume in residential houses makes 10.9% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. This means that the heat we produce at home, the electrical appliances, lighting, cooking etc. of our modern lifestyle is catastrophic for the Planet. In addition, our uncontrolled consumerism (e.g. the unnecessary materials we buy on internet) are responsible for a big share of the global energy use, which is spent in transportation and industry.

It is in our hands to reduce this energy use, and we can do so by: switching off the lights when leaving a room, taking shorter showers, switching off appliances that are not in use, stop buying unnecessary things, buy more local, reuse instead of buying new, etc.

Agrotopia promotes a simple and minimalistic lifestyle. To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we:

  • Downsize our living space to 7 m2 (the van).
  • Reduce our energy consumption by switching to solar energy and by using less appliances and lighting.
  • Stop buying unnecessary materials and live just with the simplest material things.
  • Reuse and recycle the most we can.
  • Consume local, both for food and non-food related products.

With this post, we hope to make you aware of the global problems, and make you understand that you are the one that can make a change! If we all little by little reduce, simplify or downsize our lifestyle, we all are heroes!

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