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Carmen and Antoine posing in front of their Iveco Daily H2L2 van in Wageningen (NL)

Hola ! Salut !

We are Antoine (France) and Carmen (Spain), two food lovers and wine enthusiasts. We seek to explore more than what we’ve done so far. We found our way to work together, sharing and combining our own passions, now here we are..! Starting our first blog 🙂

First and foremost…

  • Why do we start a blog?
  • What type of content do we want to share?

Since Agrotopia was born (beginning of 2021), our first focus is to promote natural wine. The fact that there is wine out there, which can be grown and fermented in the most sustainable, respectful way possible, made us think “How come people are not aware of it and don’t drink it?” We came to the conclusion that the best way to promote the natural wine movement was by posting on the Internet (obvious, right?, I mean, we live in the twenty-first century…!)

The reasons why we want to blog are:

  • Inspire people to support natural wine production.
  • Share our experience with natural wines (since we are going to be living in a van and travelling to many places, including vineyards and farms, the process will certainly be interesting!).
  • Support natural winemakers by telling their stories.
A vineyard supporting biodiversity

What type of content do we want to share?

We don’t want to make this blog too boring… so the content will be “screenshots” of what is going on along our trip and business. We are currently in the process of building our van, which will be our future house for the coming (two, three,…?) years. By living on the road, we will be able to easily reach all the places we want to see, learn from, and support: vineyards, community farms, cheesemakers, and so much more…! However, building a van is not an easy and straightforward process… Hence our first blogs will probably be full of van building and personal experiences!

So come along with us! And we hope you will find it useful and entertaining 🙂

A wine tasting event, where a group of friends is appreciating the flavours of natural wines
A wine tasting event, where a group of friends is appreciating the flavours of natural wines

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AGROTOPIA’s first post!