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Enjoying GOOD WINES without destroying the PLANET.

“We don’t inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944 AC)


Standard, stable, and toxic!

95% of the global viticulture and wine-making tends to over-use agrochemical products in the field and additives in the cellar to create standardized, stabilized, and affordable wines for the masses. As a result, most commercial wines lack a sense of place which threatens their diversity and vibrancy. In addition, modern viticulture is toxic for our environment (loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, soil, air and water pollution, etc.), and for us


Natural wines

A handful of winemakers (<0.5% of worldwide production) continue to resist and fight against modern wine-making. These men and women produce low-input and low-intervention wines (aka natural wines). These are products of nature made without any chemicals and additives. A different wine, more ecological, with a singular taste and a real sense of place. We believe that this type of wine-making benefits us and our planet, and should become a benchmark. That’s why we articulate our efforts around three cornerstones: Explore, Understand, and Sustain.


Where, what, how?

Exploring is about discovering and getting inspired. Where do these winemakers hide? Which practices do they use? How do they make such delicious wines? In our freshly built camper van, we ride throughout the wine regions of Europe to explore the ways to produce natural wine. We meet the winemakers, participate in their work, learn from each other, and appreciate the immense palette of tastes and aromas offered by their wines. 

This is also the opportunity for us to explore a new way of living, living with less.


Learning by doing

Understanding the wine-making process is essential to make sense of what we see, smell, and taste in natural wines. By working with the winemakers, in the fields as well as in the cellars, we want to acquire knowledge about the farming practices and fermentation processes that make these wines so special. We visit experimental farms, universities, and participate in congresses to exchange with experts on the topic. Sharing knowledge and experiences, connecting our senses, and developing our critical thinking will help us understand how to produce good wine by working with Nature.


Collective success

Raising awareness, disseminating knowledge, and providing access to natural wines is key to sustain an energy-efficient viticulture that supports biodiversity. Our mission is to promote natural wines by revealing their origins, diversity, and vibrancy. Hence, we would like to share our experience, the stories of the people behind these exceptional wines, and connect sensible consumers to sensible winemakers.