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Revealing natural wines' ORIGINS, DIVERSITY & VIBRANCY

“We are what we eat”

Hippocrates of Kos (460-370 BC)


What is Natural Wine?

Natural wine is a different wine, more ecological, with a singular taste and a real sense of place, with:

No pesticides (or agrochemicals)

No additives

Spontaneous fermentation

Minimum intervention

Unique flavours

This is a major reason why Agrotopia organizes and holds natural wine tastings for wine enthusiasts.


Exploring Wine Naturalness

We will explore the immense palette of tastes and aromas offered by natural wines. In a friendly and interactive set up, you will discover what are natural wines, their history, and how they are made. You will learn how to taste wine in 4 simple steps, following a method used by the finest sommeliers.

Tasting on-location

10-30 participants

Non-alcoholic alternatives

Visual supports, tasting notes, quiz

Antipasti planks with local products (+ 6€ pp)

If you are curious about our favourite natural wines, the series of tastings “Exploring wine naturalness” is tailored for you.

From pure entertainment to eco-instructive tastings. Please contact us for more information about the wines and prices, and we will fine-tune your wine experience together!


Beyond the tastings

Modern food and wine industries tend to over-use agrochemical products in the fields and additives throughout the food/wine processing. Their idea is to produce a standardized, stabilized, and acceptable products for the masses, for affordable costs.

As a result, food and wines lack a sense of place which threatens their diversity and vibrancy…

This production system is also destroying our planet and is at the end of its rope. The fatalities include loss of biodiversity, soil, water, and air pollution, and resource depletion, among others. 

Sadly, we all, as consumers, collaborate in this disaster by financing the responsible industries through our daily purchases.

But we can change something! As consumer, we have the power to finance what, how, and who we want with our purchase habits.

To ensure a comfortable life to our children and the future generations, we believe that it is our duty to produce food and wine in a way that benefits the people and the planet. That’s why we promote wines that are made with little to no input, in harmony with nature, and offer exceptional flavours: natural wines!

To make such wines, the grapes are grown in vineyards that are farmed organically, at the very least, and which:

  • Work with nature, and traditions;
  • Promote resource use efficiency, recycling, agro-biodiversity, and synergies;
  • Use climate-smart and low emissions farming practices;

It brief, this viticulture requires little energy and material inputs, and supports biodiversity.

In addition, natural wines are produced without adding or removing anything during the wine-making process. They express the full potential of their terroir, and the characteristic flavours of endemic grape varieties (varieties emblematic of the most prestigious wine regions, or almost extinct) fermented with their indigenous yeasts (yeasts naturally present on the skin of the grapes).

It is not new; it is nothing more than fermented grape juice, and yet, it has become a rarity. This is a tragedy, because natural wines are indubitably the most interesting on the market today.

Unfortunately, these wines are hardly accessible in the Netherlands, and the same goes for endemic (often overlooked) grape varieties. That is why Agrotopia carefully researches and provides you with rare and unique wines during its wine tastings.

Along with addressing the benefits of sustainable practices in viticulture, Agrotopia’s wine tastings are, for us, the opportunity to fulfil our interest and improve our knowledge about wine. In addition, it will help us to choose the right vineyards to visit, study, and collaborate.

“The most excellent wine is one which has been given pleasure by its own natural qualities.”

Lucius Columella (4-40 AD)